20th April 2022
Are you also worried about thinking if my child eating enough or not? We all usually ask paediatricians about this and receive a standard answer it’s all in your brain. However, we still feel some disinterest in babies as they grow up. As toddlers, they are so excited to experience new things happening around them, creating a lack of interest in food/hunger. Do you know 1.2 million children in Australia have gone hungry during some period in their childhood (“1.2 million children go hungry in Australia”, 2021)? Many parents worry about whether their toddlers are eating enough healthy food. We try to find answers, but it’s common for toddlers to eat only tiny amounts, be fussy about what they eat, and refuse to eat (“Toddler not eating? Ideas and tips”, 2020).
There are a few reasons for this:
- Toddler appetites constantly vary because of growth and fluctuations in physical activity.
- Toddlers don’t grow as fast as babies, so food demand decreases.
- Toddlers have tiny stomachs.
- Toddlers are very interested in the world, so they do not give much attention to food.
- Toddlers want to push boundaries and show how independent they can be.
We have understood that it is essential for us to make food enjoyable for toddlers to feed them with sufficient nutrition. Thinking of it, we introduced BC Babycare’s Rice ball shaker. This will allow kids to make rice balls on their own and make meals enjoyable.
- Ergonomic extended handle. Easy to grasp and shake.
- More comfortable and effort-saving shaking.
- Food-contact Material.
- Three different flavours of rice balls can be made at one time, which is fun and delicious.
- Easy to clean and use again.
- Non-stick with a brush.
Step by step usage:
It takes 5 seconds to make rice balls.
Homemade rice balls steps:
Brush a layer of water or oil inside the mould
Put some rice and ingredients inside.
Cover and shake for about 5 seconds (about 10-15 times)
Similarly, other cereals/grains can also be used if required to make food balls.
- Materials: PP/Silicone Rubber
- Suitable age: 6m+
- Size:7.40*3.70*21.30cm
Create a positive eating environment
- Make the mealtime happy for your toddler. Try to sit together and if when you can.
- Enjoy the taste of your food also when eating with a child.
- Offer new foods when you and your child are relaxed and aren’t too tired or distracted by other things.
- Set a time limit of about 20 minutes for a meal. If your child hasn’t eaten the food, take it away and don’t offer an alternative snack or meal
- Avoid punishing your child for refusing to try new foods. This can turn trying fresh foods into a tedious activity.
- Avoid bribing your child for some treats in exchange for healthy foods. It makes them more interested in treats.
Parenthood is a 24/7 job. One of the most critical tasks is understanding when the child is hungry. It’s always good to follow these signs. Remember that babies can’t speak but are blessed with the power to express themselves (“How To Recognise The Signs Your Baby Is Hungry?”, 2020).
- Awake and alert or just waking up.
- Cooing, sighing, whimpering, or making other little sounds.
- Making faces.
- Moving head from side to side.
- Putting fingers or fists into the mouth.
- Restless, squirming, fussing, fidgeting, or wiggling around.
- Sucking on lips or tongue
- Arms & legs moving all around.
We hope you have found the helpful information. Stay connected for more updates on effective parenting.
1.2 million children go hungry in Australia. (2021). Retrieved 19 April 2022, from https://www.sanitarium.com.au/social-purpose/tackling-hunger/foodbank-australia/1-2-million-children-go-hungry-in-australia
How To Recognise The Signs Your Baby Is Hungry?. (2020). Retrieved 19 April 2022, from https://mybabynursery.com.au/how-to-recognise-the-signs-your-baby-is-hungry/
Toddler not eating? Ideas and tips. (2020). Retrieved 20 April 2022, from https://raisingchildren.net.au/toddlers/nutrition-fitness/common-concerns/toddler-not-eating