3rd August 2022

When it comes to taking personal care of your baby’s health, personal hygiene is of the utmost importance and one of the most significant responsibilities, along with ensuring that your baby is fed and safe. The immune system of babies is susceptible. They are prone to many passing diseases & infections. Allergy-causing dust can quickly get into your little one’s body, mainly through their hands and feet. More importantly, germs and bacteria get easily transferred from one body to another.

When babies are born, they are safe inside the mum’s womb. The immune system has not developed to start acting normally and fight diseases as soon as they come on this planet. With time and growth, their bodies get more brutal, but during the initial days, they still have some weaknesses that you must be careful to look after. Babies can’t create their antibodies until they are at least 2-3 months old, and their immune system is not fully developed until six months old (Mitchell, 2020).

Once germs weaken a baby’s immune system, it can become more prone to illnesses that it may not have been vaccinated for, especially if they are too young to start its vaccination schedule. The best defence at this time is personal hygiene, for which we as parents are responsible. Regularly wash babies’ bodies, hair and hands, ensuring that you use non-allergy soaps. A bath twice a day is best, especially for younger children. It is essential to keep their nails trimmed because dirt can easily make its way under the long nails; also, if they scratch themselves, it can cause infection. Make sure to clear wax from your baby’s ears and cavities from their little teeth.

Looking at the importance of hygiene in human lifestyle for ages, we decided to introduce Bc Babycare daily care kit, which has all the necessary things packed under one box so that you don’t have to look for them separately and store them easily in the box. Made with premium materials, this baby care kit offers a comfortable experience in caring for your baby.

Bc Babycare Dailycare kit

Included in Box:

Nail clippers, nail grinder, scissors, cleaning tweezers, silicon removable finger brush and thermometer (non-mercury).


  • Designed for babies
  • Safe & clean design
  • It’s easy to carry with a transparent storage box
  • Suitable for Alcohol/UV disinfection
  • Use on 1-month infant – 6-year-old children


  • Weight:0.26kg;
  • Color:  pink and grey


  1. Always wash your hands before touching a baby.
  2. Have a clean home and make sure it has no dust in the corners or edges.
  3. Clean toys and rattles closer to the baby’s mouth and hands.
  4. Bath your baby regularly.
  5. Clean fingers nails and regularly trim them.
  6. Only the outside of babies’ ears and never the inside also inset cotton. Wool buds inside ears.
  7. Always clean the dried mucous from babies nose as this can cause difficulty in breathing.
  8. Keep your baby’s eyes clear from any dried mucous. You can use cotton to clean their eyes gently (Eight essential hygiene rules for your baby, 2015).

We hope the information in this blog is helpful for you. Stay connected for more informative and engaging articles.


Mitchell, S., 2020. Baby Hygiene: Everything You Need To Know. [online] Baby Info. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 August 2022].

Bounty Parents. 2015. Eight essential hygiene rules for your baby. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 August 2022].